Year: 2010

  • What Holds You Back?

    I’ve been told recently that I don’t conform to standards. That particular comment was passed on by someone who was attempting to get me to stay within the bounds of their reality and it was delivered with censure. I took it as a compliment and all the censure they applied to the message was ignored […]

  • Do Happy: Seek Smiles at Work

    by Lori Deschene You get to work to find your boss complaining about meeting deadlines.  Your supervisor drops a stack of papers on your desk without making eye contact.  The girl in the adjacent cubicle moans about hating her boring job. There’s nothing good to see or hear.  It’s already one of those days. That’s […]

  • Sugar-Frosting-Coated Dog Cr*p

    I came across this chapter title in a sales support book for an internet marketing product a contact of mine was showing me. They were doing the “soft-sell” on me, y’know, just showing me the product, no pressure and all that. The book came as part of the package and it was a really interesting […]

  • Do Happy: Unstrange a Stranger

    by Lori Deschene “Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend, or a meaningful day.” ~Dalai Lama Some sociologists argue that weak ties—the type you form with colleagues and online friends, […]

  • Do Happy: Celebrate a Non-Event

    by Lori Deschene “Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” ~Amanda Bradley In Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll coined the term “un-birthday” which means exactly what you might expect—a day you celebrate that isn’t actually your birthday.  You might not feel inclined to send […]