Year: 2010

  • 10 Ways to Deal with Negative or Difficult People

    by Lori Deschene “Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” ~Sri Chinmoy I love her to death, but it’s draining to talk to her. Every time I call this friend of mine, I know what I’m in for: a half-hour tirade about everything that’s […]

  • Do Happy: Be Your Purpose Now

    by Lori Deschene “The secret to success is constancy to purpose.” ~Benjamin Disraeli Most of us want to be successful—if not in monetary terms, then by our own definitions. We want to feel a sense of meaning; to do something worthwhile that we can be proud of.  Something that matters to people.  Something that will […]

  • Do Happy: Give an Uncomfortably Long Hug

    by Lori Deschene “We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.” –Dalai Lama You see your uncle at the annual holiday party.  It’s been almost six months since you saw him last.  You’ve heard all about his company folding.  You know his home’s gone into foreclosure. But you hardly […]

  • Keeping The Best For….Now!

    I’ve often come across this letter. It has been passed on to me on many occassions via fax, email or newsletter by different contacts over the last twelve years. Each time it has struck a chord with me and up to three years ago I used to say: “Yeah, I must do that….” and of […]

  • Bask In The Sun…While We Have It.

    The weather in Ireland has taken an upturn and the temperature has risen from an average of about 16 right up to 29 in parts of the country. Despite having brown eyes and brown hair, I’m fair-skinned and can develop a light tan, which means I usually turn slightly pink before turning brown over quite […]