3 Magical Mindset Moves
You generally have a positive mindset, you see the good, the possibilities in things, you achieve (most of ) your goals and overall you are happy. Your business is ticking along or growing and life is good. Great! How often have you encountered something difficult and after trying to give it a go for a […]
How To Develop A Perfect 10 Attitude.
I dress to suit myself, don’t always get the clients I want & I consider myself to be a perfect ten. Yes, with those so-called imperfections, I’m a perfect ten & I have always been a perfect ten – all my life! I’m not being big-headed or pompous either. Let me explain this a bit […]
Let It Out Before It Becomes A Blow-Out
I watched a friend of mine have a blow-out today and was really glad to see it. She’s been through a lot recently, quite a lot actually and has been “keeping a lid on it all” really well, so much so that those of us who don’t know her very well, would think that everything […]
Create A New First.
Life is full of firsts and many of them are remembered by our parents rather than us. The first smile, the first step, the first tooth, the first day at school, the list is pretty much endless and many of them bring happy memories for our parents. Then there are the first that we can […]
The Eyes Have It!
I read something recently that said if a person looked up and to the left then they were lying. It is something that my elder daughter believed for a long time. It was also an accusation she liked to fire at me during her teenage years – the troublesome ones at least. What changed her […]