I have watched with a sense of detachment and disbelief as the waters rose steadily over the last week in Cork and Galway. During that time I’ve felt many emotions from anger and sadness to distress and helplessness. I had a feeling of “what can I do, I live too far awayto be much help”.
But today Ruair Browne from Kro.ie came up with a brilliant idea for businesses to help in whatever manner they can. http://www.kro.ie/blog/2009/11/can-your-business-help-with-flood.html
I know that many, many people will be asking themselves “how do we get through this?”, how can we cope?” “when can we move back home?” and many, many more questions. Many will have other financial considerations to consider before they even consider their emotional well-being. So….as a coach I have decided to offer 40 hours of my time (through Skype) to help those who would like to deal with theemotional and practical issues that arise, and feel overwhelmed with it all. I am delighted tobe able to help and I
sincerely hope I can be of use to some of the people.
For anyone who can donate time or services, I urge you to do so. Not for any cynical business gain, but because these people have been stripped of everything and are plodding through as best they can.Bearing in mind that those on Social Welfare or in paid employment will get welfare assistance through this but the self-employed are not entitled to any help and the many business owners in the flooded areas are seriously struggling. We willingly offer help to foreign disasters, now we have a disaster on our own door-step and it is time to help our own people.