TweetAs a chatterbox who could and regularly does talk the hind legs off a donkey, this acronym really struck a chord with me. How chatty are you in business? C Cool. Just how cool are you? You can take this up any way you want. You can be trendy, hip and with it in business, […]
TweetThe acryonm for this post: finance. F Finance that is the lifeblood of any business. We go into business to increase our share of it. We interact with other businesses using it as a means to being paid. We use it to pay our staff and any sub-contractors we hire. We use projections to get […]
TweetAnother acroynm, this time: mentor M All businesses need mentors. Whether their owners are prepared to admit to it or not is a different matter. I’ve come across people who are determined to do it themselves and shun any form of advice given to them. We all need someone that we can turn to for […]
TweetThis post’s acronym is: business B Build your business from the ground up. Put the proper structures in place. Unfortunately too many people don’t do this. Some take short cuts and discover along the way that they go through an unnecessary steep learning curve before they start to correct the mistakes that they have made. […]
TweetI’m concentrating on acronyms and using them for business. Training is the first of them. T Training is something that every business owner could do with investing in at least once every year. It doesn’t necessarily need to be an expensive training, in fact spending a lot more than is necessary is a complete waste […]