5 Basic Blocks To Building Brilliant Businesses
We all have in us the potential to be the most successful business person we can be, yet many people don’t even consider this to be an option in their lives. For those that do there are many that will not succeed at it. In this post I’ll go through five of the main blocks […]
How To Get Off The Misery-Go-Round.
Misery loves company, it is a way for it to validate itself. Most of the time, you will find that if you try to talk to someone about your low self-esteem, lack of self confidence or miserable situation, they will simply commiserate or empathise with you, citing their own situation as an example, rather than […]
Do Happy: Take a Small Step
by Lori Deschene “I could never make a living while traveling the world; it’s just not realistic.” “My guitar won’t pay the bills. People think I’m crazy for trying.” “I don’t have the money to go back to school. I’m stuck in this dead-end temp job.” Most people dream of doing something that gives them […]
Lose 9 Words, Improve Your Results
How aware are you of your language? Do you know that there are certain words that are used in everyday language that seriously affect your outcomes and in a negative way? Here are just nine of them, how many do you use regularly? 1. Can’t As the quote from Henry Ford says: “Whether you can […]
Why Being Comfortable Isn’t Always Good.
Ask anyone what they want in life and the chances are the replies will go along the lines of “to be happy”. Happiness is an emotional state and I can teach you how to be happy right now if you wanted. However, like all emotional states it’s transient and that is a good thing. If […]