How Do I Find My Ideal Clients?
I’ve often heard business described as a three legged stool, leave out one leg and sitting on the stool will cause you to topple over at best and constantly struggle to maintain your balance at worst, which is exhausting and eventually you will fall over anyway. These three legs are: Finances Clients Marketing In this […]
3 Magical Mindset Moves
You generally have a positive mindset, you see the good, the possibilities in things, you achieve (most of ) your goals and overall you are happy. Your business is ticking along or growing and life is good. Great! How often have you encountered something difficult and after trying to give it a go for a […]
Unfavourable Forfeits From Floppy Focus
You are a business owner and are busy running your business to (hopefully) the best of your ability. You do up a To-Do list and then try to stick to it as best you can. However there are days when you go over the things you managed to get done and the things you simply […]
Do You Have The Ronseal Factor?
We all see the adverts on television and some of them we can recite from memory, often including the tone of voice too. I’m sure many of you remember the Ronseal adverts. Y’know, the one where the man was wood staining his front door and stated that it said on the tin it would be […]
So You Wanna Be A….
“I wanna be a (insert your own wanna here) so much”. This is a phrase I hear quite a lot in my line of work. My reply to that is always “So what is stopping you?” At this point there usually comes a stream of excuses..ahem..reasons as to why they are not being what they […]