Peeling The Onion – To Eat The Peach!
So often when we have a problem we consider one issue and believe that if the issue was resolved the problem would disappear. When we do resolve the issue and the problem persists we start to wonder why we still have a problem. Encouraging Excellence was set up to help people deal with such problems. […]
NLP Is Telling People What To Do, Isn’t It?
I was recently talking to a friend of mine. Just general chit-chat, we hadn’t spoken for a while and were simply catching up. During the course of the conversation she mentioned a small problem she had with her business and seemed to be quite worried about just how to handle it. So I did what […]
Are You Worth It, Emotionally And Financially?
I get all sorts of queries from prospective clients.They ask different types of questions, like: “How do you help me?” “Are you going to screw with my head?” “Will this hurt?” “Can you fix me?” “How long will it take?” “If I engage your services can we do things a different way?” “Why do you […]
The Law of Attraction and NLP
More often than not, I’m faced with a blank or enquiring face when I’ve answered people with “I’m an NLP Master Practitioner” when they’ve asked me what it is that I do. So…. to clarify for those who don’t know what NLP is….it’s Neuro Linguistic Programming. Clear as mud, isn’t it? Neuro – this is […]