Are you one of those people who think of something and see all the possibilities that can be created from it? Do you follow up on it and start a project, or just wonder about it for a while, do nothing and then leave it aside for future thinking and gradually forget all about it? Maybe it gets shelved to a future date for further planning and future action. Or do you start, make a plan, set goals, take action

and find part the way through this new project that you run into serious problems, get stuck and then begin to run out of steam and wonder at how you ever thought that this project was ever a good idea in the first place?
Perhaps you still really, really believe in the possibilities with a burning surity of purpose in the project but don’t yet have the skills required to see it through to where you want to go with it, so pause for reflection while you plan your next step all the while keeping your eye on the end goal and merely see this as a minor detour on the way there.
Depending on your why, you will fall into one of the above categories. What determines your outcome is the why. Why have you decided to do what you do? What is it about that particular project that motivates you? What sort of difference will it make to your life if you do it, what will you achieve, what will you give up to get it? Are you doing it because it is self-initiated or are you been driven by a desire to please someone else by doing it?

Have you done proper research on how to get where you want to be? Have you looked at all the skills you do have and the skills you either need to require or hire to help you along the way? Is your project realistic, does it have a beginning, a middle and an end? Have you set SMART GOALS to achieve it? Look back at all the things you have done previously and notice the things that you had a burning passion to do and do well. Did you do them well? If not, what stopped you, because chances are the reasons for not doing them well will crop up on this project too.
When you know the WHAT to what stopped you previously, you then check if it is aligned with your core values. If it’s not aligned with your values you’ve found a source of conflict that will prevent you from completing this project satisfactorily too. Now would be a good time to test your values against this particular project and get them aligned so you will no longer ask, will it work, but will say, this is why it will work!