Month: December 2009

  • P – Push your Potential

    P Push your Potential What type of potential do you see for yourself? Do you look to the future and see all the possibilities for you, if you work at them. Or do you just dream and then tell yourself it will never happen? Can you remember being a small child and being asked what […]

  • 12 Ways To Enjoy Your Christmas.

    I’ve never really liked Christmas. In fact I’m not much into Easter, St Patrick’s Day or Halloween either. I can’t abide all the fuss and bother for what is after all ONE DAY. Needless to say I do get involved with Christmas, I have children and they in part “make” Christmas. However, like anything, you […]

  • Are You Worth It, Emotionally And Financially?

    I get all sorts of queries from prospective clients.They ask different types of questions, like: “How do you help me?” “Are you going to screw with my head?” “Will this hurt?” “Can you fix me?” “How long will it take?” “If I engage your services can we do things a different way?” “Why do you […]

  • What Does Sorry Mean?

    I had a minor dispute with my mother last week. She did something that she regularly does and this time I got annoyed and called her on it. She said “sorry” and I replied: “sorry means you won’t do it again, but you just keep on doing it“. She looked at me as if Ihad […]

  • 10 Ways to Turn a Bad Mood Good

    Today rather than trying to re-invent the wheel I’ve decided to re-post a blog that pretty much says it like I’d like to.  It is by Lori Deschene who has kindly given permission for me to do so.  I hope you enjoy it and get something from it as I have. 10 Ways to Turn […]