Do Happy: Share Your Passion


by Lori Deschene

“Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you, to you and because of you.” ~T. Alan Armstrong

Maybe you just picked up a guitar for the first time last month, and you don’t feel good enough to tell anyone about it.

Or perhaps you’re working on a romance novel, and you suspect people will think it’s silly or cheesy.

Whatever the case may be, there’s something you love—something that gets you excited like nothing else in the world.  If you’re not convinced it’s worth discussing, perhaps you should consider the benefits:

Sharing your passion lets you enjoy it doubly—both in the doing, and the describing.

You could reserve that activity for isolation, because you judge it, or doubt, or aren’t sure people care.  Or you could throw caution to the wind and be generous with your joy to experience it all over again.

Passion can spread like wildfire.

A lot of people go through their days doing the same thing from one to the next, wanting to feel something deeper and more meaningful. Wanting to find something that gets their blood pumping. When you get excited you remind others to seize the moment, do what they love, and feel alive.

Sharing invites assistance.

Maybe your friend also plays the guitar in secret and can help you improve your craft.  Maybe your sister-in-law knows a publisher who’s been looking for new manuscripts.  A dream discussed is a potential opportunity to turn it into reality.

Every day we ask each other questions  like “How are you?” and “What’s new?”  Often we don’t think twice before giving a half-hearted “Good” or “Not much.”

There is much—so much going on at any given time that expresses the light in your life. A light that could grow stronger, give your life a deeper sense of meaning, and even help others who want to do the same.

It doesn’t matter how old or new your passion or what level of skill you’ve reached.  It doesn’t matter if you have big plans or small plans.  When you love something, it feels good to share it.

Do happy. It’s something you’re due.

This post is republished with permission.  Find more of Lori Deschene’s writing at Read the original post here

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