N – Nobble your Negativity


Nobble your Negativity

Is your glass half full or half empty? Are you enjoying your life or are you just getting by? Do you focus on all the problems in your life or do you look at all the possibilities you have open to you? Do you look forward to the day or do you dread getting out of bed. When presented with a new situation do you look at all the possible problems that might arise or do you embrace all the new adventures awaiting you?

As I’ve said in a previous post (The Law of Attraction & NLP) our unconscious mind does not know how to process a negative. So if you are in a negative frame of mind and focusing totally on that, then that is exactly the type of life you will have. For example, I don’t want to have a difficult life. The very first thing our unconscious mind will do is delete the don’t and go get the rest. Also whatwe focus our attention on, is what we end up with, so if we are constantly

looking for problems in a situation, that is exactly what we will find. I was raised with the idea that you prepare for the best but expect the worst and that is usually what I got – the worst. My mother’s attitude was that that was “being realistic”, and unfortunately for me realistic was something I didn’t like. I couldn’t understand why all these horrible things were happening to me. I wasn’t a bad person, so why me? It was only when I was studying NLP and discovered Cause & Effect that I began to understand it all. Even for a while after I’d qualified as a practitioner I held back at being totally at cause in my life and it was only when I fully embraced that and took complete responsibility (note – responsibility not blame) for my life that it started to move in a direction that I wanted it to. With taking responsibility came the responsibility of nobbling my negativity.

Do you ever cross the road to avoid someone who is likely to be constantly moaning when you “bump” into them? No matter what you say when you do meet them, they will have a negative reply and after a while you either find an excuse to leave or find yourhumour dissipating with each sentence. Being a very frank person, when I “bump” into

one of these people and they start moaning, I’ll ask if there is anything good happening in their life at the moment and if there isn’t, I’ll say goodbye and move on. Do this often enough and they start to avoid you! For me, life is too short, I only get one shot at it and I want to fill it with as much positivity as I can. I spent enough time being negative, now it’s time to balance the scales. One of my cousins renamed me “Moany Mammy” to my two eldest children when they were small when I, with best of intentions of keeping them safe, wouldn’t let them do some minor things when we went out, like climb trees – they could fall and hurt themselves, like eat in MacDonald’s – there were healthier and cheaper places to eat, like splash in puddles – might be deeper than they thought and their feet would get wet! She’d start a chant and get them to join in and I would get annoyed and we’d end up going home, all of us in bad humour. I couldn’t see the fun they would have just jumping in a puddle, all I saw was two sick children that would mean they couldn’t go to the crche, I’d have to find alternative childcare or miss a day’s work and lose a day’s pay and I was already on a low-income and couldn’t afford it. See how the problems just stacked up on top of each other? Yet when I was a child, I loved jumping in puddles and because I was young and healthy I rarely got a cold. My youngestcan jump in all the puddles she wants, she’s young and she’s healthy, just like the other two were, but I was so busy being negative that I didn’t see it. So how on earth do you

your negativity? Well, just being aware of the fact that your thoughts are negative is a start. Each time you become aware of thinking negatively ask yourself: how else can I think about this? What other ways are there to look at this? For example, with my two older children and going to MacDonald’s and my automatic “NO” when they asked, could have been: What alternatives are there to MacDonald’s that will seem like a treat to them? Will it be so bad to let them go just this once? Once you start to look at other possibilities and get into the habit of doing that you will start to use the same method of positive thinking in all aspects of your life and life will start to look brighter. If you like me prefer nighttime to daytime I can’t guarantee that you’ll jump out of bed every morning, but you will at least be joyful about a new day and the endless possibilities it will throw your way.

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