Peeling The Onion – To Eat The Peach!

So often when we have a problem we consider one issue and believe that if the issue was resolved the problem would disappear. When we do resolve the issue and the problem persists we start to wonder why we still have a problem. Encouraging Excellence was set up to help people deal with such problems.

Your problem has just surfaced, it has a bad feeling about it, yet you ignore it and you kind of get used to the feeling so that you hardly notice it anymore. A few weeks in and you decide it’s time to start dealing with your it, however you are afraid of the reaction it will create, so you just skim the surface of the problem and leave it alone again for another while. This releases the reaction you were afraid of so you dig a bit deeper into your problem trying to find the source, the deeper you go the stonger the reaction and the stronger your emotional attachment to it. You just want it all to stop, yet you’ve only just started.

Ignore it and it will keep festering and re-surfacing for you to deal with. The time spans between re-surfaces getting shorter and shorter until eventually you have no choice but to deal with it because you either want closure or you end up sick. Keep going, dig deeper and deeper into the problem and chances are you’ll find that what you originally thought of as the problem was only a cover issue and there are quite a few mini-problems that combine into a big, big problem. Uncover these layers and you’ve reached the heart of your problem.

Transfer your problem to an onion. Think about starting to deal with it as taking the outer layers of skin off an onion, these are the layers that stop the fumes from hitting your nostrils. When you first start peeling an onion, there isn’t much of a reaction. You can smell it, however it takes a while for the fumes to hit, just like your problem, what is on the surface is only hiding the main issues underneath. Take a few more layers off the onion and the fumes start getting strong and your eyes start to sting. Take a couple more layers off, your eyes begin to water. Peel back some more, these layers are thinner, easier to remove, the smell is very strong, assaulting your nose and your eyes are streaming. The inner layers have the strongest fumes and are the quickest to remove, leaving a heart at the core.

At this stage your eyes are streaming, can’t use your hands to wipe your eyes either as they have raw onion on them and will only irritate your eyes even more and all you want to breathe in fresh air to help clear the fumes and clear your eyes. This is where I come in. As a qualified NLP Master Practitioner I have the skills, using breakthrough consultations, to help you in such a way that peeling your onion is a manageable experience. In ten hours I can help you not only uncover layers hiding the heart of your problem, I also help you develop effective strategies for overcoming it. In the future instead of a problem you can have a peachy solution instead. Find out how here

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